Code of Conduct

Over the years, reports on cases of corruption and fraud in large companies, both national and international, have gained prominence in the media. This negative exposure damages the reputation of companies and their employees, causing financial loss and promoting unfair competition. The consequences can be greatly reduced if employees, customers, suppliers, and the community have available channels to inform the company about any suspicious or illegal activities.

In 2005, Marcopolo developed a Code of Conduct to provide guidance on routine issues as well as the relationship between all the company's audiences. The Code of Conduct has been updated in recent years, and in 2017, Marcopolo's Global Integrity Policy was created from the guidelines of the company's Compliance Program according to the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law No.12.846/13.

Marcopolo has also made available a reporting tooll to file complaints about potential violations of the law, especially with regard to misuse of resources, corruption and other types of conduct deemed contrary to the Code of Conduct and Marcopolo's Global Integrity Policy. The channel is independently managed and handles information in an impartial and classified manner.






Reporting tool to file COMPLAINTS. You will be redirected to an independent website to ensure confidentiality and impartiality.